Tuesday 14 February 2012

8. Detatched Retinas (Sic)

You may have all seen BBC News this week, and noted that there has been 'political unrest' in the Maldives. I'm not allowed to publicly comment on Maldivian politics - according to the stipulations of my contract and also about twelve e-mails, telephone and Skype reminders since Saturday. (You all know me so well.) Therefore, I can't say much here, but after doing my research - which for absolute no reason has included reading page 33 of the Maldivian Constitution - I have decided to draw a very subtle analogy. The version of events has been disputed by all parties, and personally I think it's like having a cigarette and getting smoke in my eyes, and thus experiencing tobacco up detatched retinas! It certainly feels as painful.

Can you tell that I was in a very boring meeting earlier today?

If anyone feels inclined to do some research learn more about the situation, you may read a few differing opinions from the Independent here, former President Nasheed in the New York Times here, current President Waheed's personal website here and Raajje News here. Again, I'd like to repeat that these are not my opinion pieces, I am remaining utterly impartial, and that I am in no way becoming involved with the internal partisan politics of the Maldives.

Anyway, life on the island pretty much continued, but with a few more political rallies and a few less policemen. (They weren't killed - rather summoned to help restore the peace in Male'). I'm surprised how quickly absolute normality has been restored to be honest. What recent events mean for the future of my tenure in the Maldives remain unclear, but most people seem convinced that the programme will continue without any problems.

Time is really starting to move now though. I've now been here for 7 weeks! In just 41 weeks I'll be flying home. Ridonkulous. I've also settled in to my new (and permanent) home for the year, so now have access to a private bathroom, a kitchen, and a garden. The house is big, and shared between myself, Andrew, and the landlord's son-in-law. Proper party town! Except instead of having raucous parties we mainly steam vegetables and occasionally fry chips.

I'll leave this short - for a change - and write a full update in a few days. If your eyes are not yet tired, please enjoy this wonderful video of my new home.


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